Message from the Principal
Welcome to Warren Elementary School!
We are pleased that you have chosen Warren Elementary School for your child’s elementary school experience. We believe that every student can learn when they are provided a positive learning environment, a challenging curriculum, and a school community that is committed to supporting students as they discover their dreams and develop their individual talents. We are eager to collaborate with families as we work together to provide the best experience for your child. We believe that we can make a difference when we understand the unique needs of every student, use data to drive instruction, and use all of our resources to support every child as they work to meet our high expectations.
At Warren we say that we are “Proud to be a Wildcat!” As the school principal, I say that I am proud because I have a staff of caring and talented individuals who are dedicated to supporting our students in any way imaginable. I am proud of our learners as they grow and evolve throughout the school year by challenging themselves to persevere through adversity. We also love recognizing the many wonderful accomplishments of our students. I am proud of our parents as we collaborate and celebrate together as we see our children become their best selves.
Come join us on this journey. We look forward to welcoming you to our school building and thank you for all of your support. “Here we go Wildcats! Here we go!”
Dr. Libby Wilson